Emirates NBD PJSC
Year to date
0.14 %
3 months
0.21 %
6 months
0.10 %
1 year
0.16 %
3 years
0.00 %
5 years
0.00 %
Country of Origin: United Arab Emirates (U.A.E)
Emirates NBD PJSC (the “Bank”) was incorporated in the United Arab Emirates on 16 July 2007, under the Commercial Companies Law (Federal Law Number 8 of 1984 as amended) as a Public Joint Stock Company. The Bank was incorporated principally to give effect to the merger between Emirates Bank International PJSC (“EBI”) and National Bank of Dubai PJSC (“NBD”). The merger became effective from 16 October 2007, while the legal merger was completed on 4 February 2010. Post this date, EBI and NBD ceased to exist. The Bank and its subsidiaries are (together referred to as the “Group”). The Bank is listed on the Dubai Financial Market. The Group’s principal business activity is corporate, consumer, treasury, investment banking, Islamic financing and asset management services. The parent company of the Group is Investment Corporation of Dubai, a company in which the Government of Dubai is the majority shareholder.
Latest Pressrelease Summaries
Emirates NBD reported a record profit of AED 13.8 billion in the first half of 2024, a 12% increase year-on-year, driven by strong lending growth and substantial impaired loan recoveries. The bank's lending grew by 6%, surpassing AED 500 billion for the first time. All business units performed exceptionally well, with significant achievements in retail lending, UAE credit card market share, and a 41% year-on-year increase in Assets Under Management. Corporate lending originated AED 48 billion in new loans, contributing to the bank's robust capital ratios and solid balance sheet. Key highlights include a total income of AED 21.4 billion, a 3.65% net interest margin, and record profits from Emirates Islamic. Earnings per share rose by 13% to 214 fils.
Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C.) has released its group condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six-month period ending June 30, 2024.